Thursday, December 25, 2008


Today is Christmas, hope all is merry and well.

I always thought about how small and incapable humans are, even though we are very powerful and capable. Our vision is limited to a certain spectrum, our hearing is limited to a certain frequency. Our words are limited to certain meanings. Like the snow that is falling, we are just one snowflake out of the millions out there. But wait, each snowflake is very significant and special like ourselves. I have no idea where I am going with this. This is just a brainstorm of thoughts.

Question of the day: Do each of us ACTUALLY impact the world that much?

Question of the day #2 (oh damn!): Do you think we have evolved (mentally) a lot since the 1900s?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thoughts on MSN

My brain really isn't organized, so this post is just a scrapbook of things to say.

What has this software done to our new generation? I'm not going to talk about how MSN affects once health, but rather a mental perspective.

MSN allows us be someone we're not. You might be a smart and careful person in real-life, while on MSN, you can be wild and stupid. This is a typical example because I meet someone from my school on MSN and we have a great conversation and each of us has a lot to talk about. I finally meet the person in school, he/she sees me, and just turns away. Once I get back on MSN, he/she once again starts to chat like a madman/woman. In this case, does this mean the MSN personality is what the person actually want to be? Is the MSN personality their ideal image of them self?

Another aspect is the "1337" language. A majority of the people on MSN (including myself) are using numerous acronyms like "thx, wat, wtf, etc." Does this affect their English writing skills? Will people subconsciously use these acronyms in a formal essay? And what the hell is "~~~".

Though there a lot of interesting things to discover on MSN. Simply go on MSN, and carefully analyze all your friend's personal messages. This tells a lot about the person. And of course their actual MSN name and display picture are also important, but personal messages tend to be changed frequently.

This is a very informal post.

Question of the day: Which would you consider more important? The ability to speak a language or the ability to write it?

Friday, November 28, 2008

I'll read it later.

I have been too lazy and busy to write a blog for a couple of days, so here's an update. My math test was horrendous, chemistry TA is cool, and finally, too many people are obsessed with that Twilight dude.

After examining the other 5 dimensions, I decided not to write about them , for they are extremely theoretical and basically useless. Instead, I will talk about a very popular issue that we have all dealt with, and issue which is the difference between a 60 and a 90 on a test. A issues that effects everyone, what's the issue?


First of all, how does this effect us? Let's just say, you can die from it. Procrastination not only effects school work, but also health. For example, I'll run later, etc.

A few reasons of why people procrastinate. Fear of failing the task, fear of making a mistake, fear of success (people will expect something good from you all the time). People also tend to do work when the prize or punishment is near. Now for some psychology of why people delay certain tasks. First of all, people may feel an discomfort when attempting to complete the task, thus they rather coward away and save it for later. Another reason (this OFTEN happens to me) is indecision. People tend to debate which choice is better, for example, "should I finish my math first? It's due tomorrow, BUT wait! My chemistry is longer and I'm not getting as good. But than again, the teacher might not check the chemistry homework. Hmm. etc." This debate might continue until it's time for dinner or a T.V. show is on or some other exciting event arrives and distracts you from the homework. The third type of procrastinator is the one who thinks he will work better under pressure, thus he will save all his work for the last moment. People might do this for the thrill (which is just illogical). The final type of procastinator use procrastination as an excuse for a doing poorly. For example, you can say, "I did at the last moment, if I did it before, I would of got A LOT better" (No really...)

Some students know that procrastination is lethal and know they should do some work instead of waiting for the last moment. Thus, certain procrastinators use strategies to trick themselves into believing they have done some work. A typical example may be when a student borrows a book from the library for an essay and just leaves the book on the shelf. This way, they feel like they have done something and removes thier own guilt. At the very last second, they would race through the book and write an essay. In thier own mind, it seems like they have saved a lot of time by doing it at the last second.

Please don't read this, this is just filler, scroll down until you see preventing procrastination. The Beef Industry Scholarship Program continues to recognize outstanding youth in the beef community. Twenty $1250 scholarships will be awarded to students who intend to pursue a career in the beef industry. Students applying for the scholarship may pursue careers in agricultural education, communications, production, research, or any area involved with the beef industry. To be eligible, a student must: 1) be enrolled as an undergraduate student in a four-year institution for the entire academic year; 2) write a brief letter expressing future career goals in the beef industry; 3) write a 750-word essay describing an issue confronting the beef industry and offer a solution; 4) obtain two letters of reference from current or former professors or industry professionals; 5) prepare a cover sheet to include name, current mailing address and phone number, email, school name, year in school, permanent mailing address and phone number; and 6) submit materials in a single envelope to:Two months of intensive German language training (no prior German required)One semester at a German professional school, apprenticeship, or universityA five-month internship with a German company or organizationUnique insight into German culture through placement with a German hostThrough generous funding and a strong practical focus, CBYX for Young Professionals seeks to aid students not typically targeted by study abraod programs, like those in agricultural programs. This program is open to students at all levels, in a variety of fields, and is especially attractive to graduating seniors and young alumni (who want to have a unique and marketable transition into working life).The ideal candidate:Is a U.S. citizen or permanent residentIs between 18 and 24 years old at the start of the programIs actively seeking a career in a field in which he or she has studied and has practical experienceIs interested in German and international affairsHas a strong sense of American identityIs flexible and independent. If you read me, your bored.

Preventing procastination is the real meat of this post. Let's get into it. First of all, setting an exact prescription for an action usually leads to the action being completed on time. For example, instead of "finish essay", you can write down "start essay at 4 pm using Words and use MLA citation". Specific instructions usually allows one to complete the task on time. The second method is planning smart. A MIT professor conducted an experiment with a few campuses in France and Singapore where students set thier own due date. The result was that the ones who handed the work in earlier had better marks than though who finished it at the last moment. The final solution is simply attempting the task. Try to have a friend who will constantly push you to start on the project or homework. Once you have started, you might even enjoy doing the work, thus resulting in finishing fast and better. If you have actually read till here including all the things your suppose to read in one session, congrats, you probably do not procrastinate.

Great poem:

Glad to see technology is helping the under-developed:

Question of the day: What is one's biggest enemy in life?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Dimensions Part 1

Guess what! I got third in the flourishing competition! And I met the amazing Max who was the World XCM winner last year. At the magic shop, a great magician named Morgan Bondett game me an amazing lecture on magic and provided me with a boat full of inspiration for magic.

This will be part one of hopefully two parts of my blog about dimensions.

Just so you guys know, there are in total of 10 dimensions. The first one is simply a dot. Second dimension is a line. It can also be thought of as a flat surface. If a 2D person was to observe us, he/she would see layer by layer of our body instead of what we see. Everyone should be familiar with the third dimension so I will not talk about it much. 3D=length, width, height. An interesting to consider is that if the 2D person what to travel in the 3D world, even a turn in the 3D would would seem like a straight path in the 2D world. Now the fourth dimension. This is simply time, or duration. Thus, humans actually live in a four dimensional world. Now let's consider the fifth dimension. Just like how the 2D people travel in the 3D as if everything is a straight line, we travel in the 5D world as if everything is a line. Because for us, we can only move forward in time, in a straight linear line. But is someone was in the fifth dimension, he would be able to travel freely through time. Hmm.. deep... I'll stop here today, partly to let you guys understand, partly for me to understand the other 5 dimensions.

Note to readers: There are some interesting facts and math questions that some of you guys might be interested in at the bottom of the page. Check them out, and reply with your answer in the comment!

Amazing video (thanks to Garry):

Question of the day (credits to Rebecca for the question): Beauty. What is beauty? Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yet we have so many standards for what is pretty and what is not pretty. This is somewhat like last day's question. The question: Is there a true definition for beauty? If not, why does everyone still set all these standard? If yes, what do you consider as truly beautiful?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Quantum Tunneling and Anti-Tunneling

Tomorrow I will participate in a flourishing competition and I hope I can win first place! Also, today I was assigned two tutees whom I hope I can help achieve an 85 average in chemistry.

Also just so you guys know, these are NOT my theories, they are broadly trusted theories from famous scientist. I will tell you when ideas are my own. Though the question of the day is all genuine and I think of them during my spare time.

Now onto today's theory. Quantum. As I read more and more science ideas, the word "Quantum" is more frequently brought up. I recently read an article about the fact that if a quantum particle rolls towards the edge of a table, it will not fall off. Instead, it might just roll back to the table. To explain this we must first consider what the quantum tunneling phenomenon does to an quantum particle. The basic idea of quantum tunneling can be explain by using an ball as an example. According to classic mechanics (Newton's law and such) a ball will roll over a hill. According to quantum theory, the ball will simply go through the hill (not literally) and appear on the other side. This is because the quantum theory states that all matter behave like waves, and have probability clouds (Ah ha! Something we learned in school!). When the ball hits the hill, it has a probability of being on the other side, so some of the ball may theoretically be on the other side. As long as a quantum particle does not hit an absolutely rigid barrier.

Anti-tunneling. Anti-tunneling is not the opposite on tunneling... Anti-tunneling states that whenever a wave encounters a sudden change in condition (even if it promotes the ball to act like it would in the classical mechanics) the wave will reflect back. Recent experiments were conducted at MIT to examine this phenomenon.

Interesting thing: I remember this site where you have to agree to this contract thing. At the bottom it says "Agree" or "Decline" if you just click agree, you are not allowing it. Apparently, if you read the actual contract, in the contract it says " click here if you really agree". Hahaha, I thought that was a really smart idea!

A great inspirational video:

Question of the day: We are all familiar with the character Hitler. Personally, I think he is one of the most amazing leaders and motivators the world has ever witnessed. The actual question today is that, is there actually "good" and "evil"? From our prespective, Hitler seems like an evil person. Let's assume that Hitler DID take over the world (the idea of taking over the world is another day's topic), he would be worshiped in the modern world. Also, during WWII, to the Germans, Hitler was also a great leader or "good" person. Do you think there is a concrete definition for good or evil? If so, what would be an example?

Comment to respond!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Déjà vu

Finished my math test today. It seems like I did alright. Couldn't fully solve one question, and for another question, I did not simplify my answers. Estimate: 92-96%.

Now let's see. Thanks to Frank Cheng, I have a good thing to talk about today. We were in International Business when Frank suddenly said he had a déjà vu. Everyone felt this, but when I experience a déjà vu, I personally feel that I have dreamt of the particular situation before. Scientifically speaking, there are two theories. The first theory states that déjà vu occurs when one's short term memory is overlapped with their long-term memory in the neurological system. In layman terms, this means that the memory is stored in a person's memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information. This gives the person an unusual sensation of nostalgia and eeriness. Also, when one tries to figure out what has happened, they will go into a confusing paradox.

The second theory explains that one eye receives the information faster than the other eye, thus the information if stored before the other eye sees the information. Thus, it seems like we have seen it before. The only problem is that this theory does not explain when one hears something and has a déjà vu.

Of course there are other theories which are not scientific. For example, one theory is that one has foresaw the situation before hand in a dream or something. Another theory states that all these events may have happened in one's past life... I guess we can also say that we might have déjà vu when the other us in another universe (multi-verse theory) does the exact same thing and... BOOM déjà vu!

Question of the day: Do you think our generation is smarter or dumber relative to our parents generation? Smarter as in more knowledgeable, quicker, etc. Also when I say generation, I mean averagely, not just the smartest or dumbest person. Also, do you think the future generation will become smarter or dumb (since people are now very dependent on technology and service from others)? Please comment to reply!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quick update

Not much time today because I've been making a Trig quiz and solutions:

Now for today's theory, I'll talk about The Copenhagen Interpretation. The Interpretation is basically a collection of ideas to explain quantum mechanics. The main ideas is that every particle can be described as a wave function. Another idea is that anything can happen at any time since Heisenberg uncertainty principle's states all electrons are just probability clouds, and all waves are also probabilities since the electrons are waves. Think about that.... Anything, Anytime. Intense. This idea sprouted from the Double Slit Experiment which concludes if an electron is shot at a wall with two slits, the electron will sometimes go through one, sometimes through the other, sometimes neither, and sometimes both (which means the one electron would be at two places at once)! But when the scientists closely observed the electrons, they go normally through only one of the two slits. Basically say "owned".

Finally, another infamous experiment that accomplices the Copenhagen Interpretation is the Schrodinger’s Cat thought experiment. I'm not sure if there was actually an experiment or was it just a theory. Basically, the experiments concludes that if a cat is in a box and a button is pressed which has a 50% chance of releasing poisonous gas into the box, the cat would be alive AND dead as long as no one goes to actually look at the cat.

Awesome Song:

Question of the day: what would happen when you are theoretically at the exact center of the earth? Assuming, we're superman and we don't die from the heat. What effect would the gravity have on us? The spinning of the earth, etc.

Monday, November 17, 2008

incompleteness theorem

Grad pictures took years! I think it was cause of all my cards moves and such.

Owned: hey, I don't think i've been owned yet! =D

It seems like I did pretty well on my physics test part 2. Also, I must finish all 56 math identity questions for 1 bonus mark on my test. Also,... there's magic club tomorrow after school!

Ok, I'll be getting into the Incompleteness Theorem by Gödel. This theorem basically states that for any branch of mathEmatics (maple...) there is always something that is an exception. Let's see, umm, I guess an example would be something squared should always give an positive. But than we were all proven wrong by unreal numbers. So, this also reflects on generally anything, there is always an exception, so just think about it. When you think you won't be accepted into a university, you might be an exception. chew on that... So now, we can all go and prove our math teachers wrong when he/she says "this will work for ANY case!".

Here's an actual example from Gödel's page. This is pretty confusing.

"The proof of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem is so simple, and so sneaky, that it is almost embarassing to relate. His basic procedure is as follows:

  1. Someone introduces Gödel to a UTM, a machine that is supposed to be a Universal Truth Machine, capable of correctly answering any question at all.
  2. Gödel asks for the program and the circuit design of the UTM. The program may be complicated, but it can only be finitely long. Call the program P(UTM) for Program of the Universal Truth Machine.
  3. Smiling a little, Gödel writes out the following sentence: "The machine constructed on the basis of the program P(UTM) will never say that this sentence is true." Call this sentence G for Gödel. Note that G is equivalent to: "UTM will never say G is true."
  4. Now Gödel laughs his high laugh and asks UTM whether G is true or not.
  5. If UTM says G is true, then "UTM will never say G is true" is false. If "UTM will never say G is true" is false, then G is false (since G = "UTM will never say G is true"). So if UTM says G is true, then G is in fact false, and UTM has made a false statement. So UTM will never say that G is true, since UTM makes only true statements.
  6. We have established that UTM will never say G is true. So "UTM will never say G is true" is in fact a true statement. So G is true (since G = "UTM will never say G is true").
  7. "I know a truth that UTM can never utter," Gödel says. "I know that G is true. UTM is not truly universal."

Think about it - it grows on you ..." -

Song/weird stuff:

Some weird talent:

Question of the day: Is there a number when multiplied by 2, the last 2 digits are still the same? Is it possible? Is there more than one answer (obviously...).(and does not end with zeros, thanks victoria)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Inversion Theory

An quick update
owned: by Lucie, read her blog.

apparently both Lucie and Valcony copied me and also made a blog.

This is the thing I forgot:

Inversion theory: If everything was actually exactly opposite, nothing would change. We would become theoretically anti-matter or just something that does not exist. But the anti world would become what we are. If we do not go into the atomic and molecular ideas and just look at it from a biological view it would work like this:

humans would live under water but the plankton(or maybe other marine creatures) would take the place of humans. As we see, there are three main groups of plankton ( while there are three main groups of people (black, asian, white). this would work out perfectly.

There are many other examples, like sea becomes the sky? the sky becomes the sea.

Let's look at a philosophical example. The good will become evil. On the other hand, people's view on evil would not be a despise, but rather a praise, thus evil theoretically becomes good again.

If you think about it, almost anything would work out. BUT of course, according to Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, there must be an exception.

I'm planning to talk about the idea of good and evil next time.

Meanwhile, enjoy this magic trick:


Let's see. first post. i made this mostly to share some random ideas and thoughts.

My dream dream goal: find an efficient way to break the covalent bond.

For those of you who don't know me that well. I'm a math, chem, physics, magic guy! I often get random ideas and I want to note them here. Hopefully, I can look back in the future and achieve these goals.

crazy ideas: is it possible to make a chemical which will automatically insert itself between molecules thus increase the size of it? With this technology, we will be able to work on something that is huge, than shrink it to a very small size.

owned: today, I have been owned by mike tang's retarded sin(18 degree) question. Though I found a way to do it, but it leads to solving a equation with a degree of 6.

finally, on Monday I will be getting my physics test part B back. Apparently everyone got 0.5-3/17. So I'm quite scared. What else... math test, gotta finish the 56 questions.

OH! Thanks to Doris, i just remembered that I have a grad photo tomorrow! Gonna bring my cards and PERIODIC TABLE!! I"M SOO COOL!!! =D

In my flourishing/magic world: been practicing eko and some random moves I made. I still gotta film for the secret video, but I CANNOT find a black backdrop. I think i'm going to hang some black cloth in the background.

Question of the day: is it possible to make a car that runs on H2O? I know it has been discussed a lot. What do you think?

Song of the day: Lucky- Jason Mraz ft.Colbue Caillat: